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RedisGears Configuration

RedisGears provides configuration options to control its operation. These options can be set when the module is bootstrapped and, in some cases, at runtime.

The following sections describe the configuration options and how to set them.

Bootstrap Configuration

You can set your configuration options when the module is loaded. The options are passed as a list of option names and their respective values. Configuration is supported both when using the loadmodule configuration directive as well as via the Redis MODULE LOAD command .

Example: Setting configuration options

To set the module's configuration options from the command line, run:

redis-server --loadmodule /path/to/ <option> <value> ...

To set the module's configuration options in a Redis configuration file, use the following format:

loadmodule /path/to/ <option> <value> ...

To set the module's configuration with the MODULE LOAD command, run:> MODULE LOAD /path/to/ <option> <value> ...

Runtime Configuration

You may set certain configuration options at runtime. Refer to each option's description for runtime configuration.

Related commands

The following RedisGears commands are related to configuration:


The MaxExecutions configuration option controls the maximum number of executions that will be saved in the executions list. Once this threshold is reached, older executions will be deleted from the list in order of their creation (FIFO). Only executions that have finished (e.g. the 'done' or 'aborted' status ) will be deleted.

Expected Value


Default Value


Runtime Configurability



Changing this option will affect the creation of new executions only.

Examples> RG.CONFIGSET MaxExecutions 10


The MaxExecutionsPerRegistration configuration option controls the maximum number of executions that are saved in the list per registration. Once this threshold is reached, older executions for that registration will be deleted from the list in order of their creation (FIFO). Only executions that have finished (e.g. the 'done' or 'aborted' status ) will be deleted.

Expected Value


Default Value


Runtime Configurability



Changing this option will affect the creation of new executions only.


$> RG.CONFIGSET MaxExecutionsPerRegistration 10


The ProfileExecutions configuration option determines whether executions are profiled.

Profiling impacts performance

Profiling requires reading the server's clock, which is a costly operation in terms of performance. Execution profiling is recommended only for debugging and should be disabled in production.

Expected Value

0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Default Value


Runtime Configurability



The PythonAttemptTraceback configuration option controls whether the engine tries producing stack traces for Python runtime errors.

Expected Value

0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Default Value


Runtime Configurability



The OverridePythonAllocators configuration option controls whether RedisGears will override the default python memory allocators. Disabling this option, causes the python interpreter to increase performance (in some cases we saw improvement of up to 50%), the disadvantage is that the output of RG.PYSTATS becomes invalid, and Redis will be unable to track and report memory usage by the python interpreter.


Available as of v1.2.4

Expected Value

0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The DownloadDeps configuration option determines whether RedisGears will attempt to download missing Python dependencies.

Expected Value

0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The DependenciesUrl configuration option sets the location from which RedisGears tries to download its Python dependencies.

Expected Value

URL-like string

Default Value

The default value is specific to the RedisGears version.

Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The DependenciesSha256 configuration option specifies the SHA265 hash value of the Python dependencies. This value is verified after the dependencies have been downloaded and will stop the server's startup in case of a mismatch.

Expected Value


Default Value

The default value is specific to the RedisGears version.

Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The PythonInstallationDir configuration option specifies the path for RedisGears' Python dependencies.

Expected Value


Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The CreateVenv configuration option controls whether the engine will create a virtual Python environment.

Expected Value

0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The ExecutionThreads configuration option sets the number of threads for executions.

Expected Value

Any integer greater than 0

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not Supported


The ExecutionMaxIdleTime configuration option sets the maximal amount of idle time (in milliseconds) before execution is aborted. Idle time means no progress is made by the execution. The main reason for idle time is an execution that's blocked on waiting for records from another shard that had failed (i.e., crashed). In that case, the execution will be aborted after the specified time limit. The idle timer is reset once the execution starts progressing again.

Expected Value

Any integer greater than 0

Default Value

"5 seconds"

Runtime Configurability



The PythonInstallReqMaxIdleTime configuration option controls the maximal amount of idle time (in milliseconds) before Python's requirements installation is aborted. Idle time means that the installation makes no progress. The main reason for idle time is the same as for ExecutionMaxIdleTime .

Expected Value

Any integer greater than 0

Default Value


Runtime Configurability



The SendMsgRetries configuration option controls the maximum number of retries for sending a message between RedisGears' shards. When a message is sent and the shard disconnects before acknowledging it, or when it returns an error, the message will be resent until this threshold is met. Setting the value to 0 means unlimited retries.

Expected Value

Any integer greater or eqaul 0

Default Value


Runtime Configurability



The Plugin configuration option allows to specify which RedisGears plugin you want to load. Usually a RedisGears plugin is the same as language support. Currently RedisGears supports python and java (jvm languages). The Plugin configuration options tells RedisGears which language plugins to load.

Expected Value


Default Value

No default

Runtime Configurability

Not Supported