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RedisGears Commands

RedisGears is operated by commands sent to the server with a Redis client .

The following sections describe the supported commands.

Command Description
RG.ABORTEXECUTION Aborts execution
RG.CONFIGGET Returns a configuration key
RG.CONFIGSET Sets a configuration key
RG.DROPEXECUTION Removes execution
RG.DUMPEXECUTIONS Outputs executions
RG.DUMPREGISTRATIONS Outputs registrations
RG.GETEXECUTION Returns the details of an execution
RG.GETRESULTS Returns the results from an execution
RG.GETRESULTSBLOCKING Blocks the client until execution ends
RG.INFOCLUSTER Returns cluster information
RG.PYEXECUTE Executes Python functions and registers functions for event-driven processing
RG.PYSTATS Returns memory usage statistics
RG.PYDUMPSESSIONS Returns a summery of existing python sessions
RG.PYPROFILE STATS Returns a profiling statistics for a given session id
RG.PYPROFILE RESET Reset profiling statistics for a given session id
RG.REFRESHCLUSTER Refreshes a node's view of the cluster
RG.PYDUMPREQS Returns detailed information about requirements
RG.REFRESHCLUSTER Refreshes node's view of the cluster
RG.TRIGGER Triggers execution of registration
RG.TRIGGERONKEY Triggers execution of registration on a given key
RG.UNREGISTER Removes registration
RG.CLEARREGISTRATIONSSTATS Clears stats from all registrations
RG.PAUSEREGISTRATIONS Pause a registrations by ids
RG.UNPAUSEREGISTRATIONS Unpause a registrations by ids

Syntax Conventions

We use the following conventions to describe the RedisGears Redis API:

  • COMMAND : a command
  • <mandatory> : a mandatory argument
  • [optional] : an optional argument
  • " : a literal double quote character
  • | : an exclusive or
  • ... : more of the same as before


The RG.ABORTEXECUTION command aborts the execution of a function in mid-flight.

Redis API




A simple 'OK' if successful, or an error if the execution does not exist or had already finished.


redis> RG.ABORTEXECUTION 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-1


The RG.CONFIGGET command returns the value of one or more built-in configuration or a user-defined options.

Redis API

RG.CONFIGGET <key> [...]


  • key : the configuration option to fetch


An array with an entry per key. The entry is a string being the value or an error for undefined options.


redis> RG.CONFIGGET ProfileExecutions
1) (integer) 0
redis> RG.CONFIGGET foo
1) (error) (error) Unsupported config parameter: foo


The RG.CONFIGSET command sets the value of one ore more built-in configuration or user-defined options.

Redis API

RG.CONFIGSET <key> <value> [...]


  • key : the configuration option to set
  • value : the new value


An array with an entry per key. The entry is simple 'OK' string, or an error if the option can't be configured in runtime.


redis> RG.CONFIGSET ProfileExecutions 1
1) OK
redis> RG.CONFIGSET foo bar
1) OK - value was saved in extra config dictionary
redis> RG.CONFIGGET foo
1) "bar"


The RG.DROPEXECUTION command removes the execution of a function from the executions list.

Redis API




A simple 'OK' if successful, or an error if the execution does not exist or is still running.


redis> RG.DROPEXECUTION 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-1


The RG.DUMPEXECUTIONS command outputs the list of function executions . The executions list's length is capped by the MaxExecutions configuration option.

Redis API



An array containing an entry per execution. Entry consist of alternating key names and value entries as follows:


1) 1) "executionId"
   2) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-0"
   3) "status"
   4) "done"
   5) "registered execution"
   6) (integer) 1
2) 1) "executionId"
   2) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-1"
   3) "status"
   4) "running"
   5) "registered execution"
   6) (integer) 1


The RG.DUMPREGISTRATIONS command outputs the list of function registrations .

Redis API



An array with an entry per registration. Each entry is made of alternating key name and value entries as follows:

  • id : the registration ID
  • reader : the reader
  • desc : the description
  • RegistrationData : an array of the following:
    • mode : registration mode
    • numTriggered : a counter of triggered executions
    • numSuccess : a counter of successful executions
    • numFailures : a counter of failed executions
    • numAborted : a counter of aborted executions
    • lastRunDurationMS : duration in milliseconds of the last execution
    • totalRunDurationMS : total run time in milliseconds
    • avgRunDurationMS : average execution runtime in milliseconds
    • lastEstimatedLagMS : Only on Streams, give the last batch lag (the time difference from the moment the first batch entry enters the stream to the time the batch was finished processing)
    • avgEstimatedLagMS : Only on Streams, average lag.
    • lastError : the last error returned
    • args : reader-specific arguments
  • PD : private data


1)  1) "id"
    2) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-2"
    3) "reader"
    4) "KeysReader"
    5) "desc"
    6) (nil)
    7) "RegistrationData"
    8)  1) "mode"
        2) "async"
        3) "numTriggered"
        4) (integer) 0
        5) "numSuccess"
        6) (integer) 0
        7) "numFailures"
        8) (integer) 0
        9) "numAborted"
       10) (integer) 0
       11) "lastError"
       12) (nil)
       13) "args"
       14) 1) "regex"
           2) "*"
           3) "eventTypes"
           4) (nil)
           5) "keyTypes"
           6) (nil)
    9) "PD"
   10) "{'sessionId':'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-3', 'depsList':[]}"


The RG.GETEXECUTION command returns the execution execution details of a function that's in the executions list.

Redis API



  • id : the execution ID to get
  • SHARD : only gets the local execution (default in stand-alone mode)
  • CLUSTER : collects all executions from shards (default in cluster mode)

RedisGears Trivia

When called with the CLUSTER argument, RedisGears runs a RedisGears function that collects the shards' execution plans... self-reference is so paradoxical :)


An array if successful, or an error if the execution does not exist or is still running. The array consists of alternating key name and value entries as follows:

  • shard_id : the shard's identifier in the cluster
  • execution_plan : the plan of execution is made of:
    • status : the status
    • shards_received : number of shards that received the execution
    • shards_completed : number of shards that completed the execution
    • results : count of results returned
    • errors : count of errors raised
    • total_duration : total execution duration in milliseconds
    • read_duration : reader execution duration in milliseconds
    • steps : the plan's steps are made of the following:
      • type : step type
      • duration : the step's duration in milliseconds (0 when ProfileExecutions is disabled)
      • name : step callback
      • arg : step argument


redis> RG.GETEXECUTION 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4
1) 1) "shard_id"
   2) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
   3) "execution_plan"
   4)  1) "status"
       2) "done"
       3) "shards_received"
       4) (integer) 0
       5) "shards_completed"
       6) (integer) 0
       7) "results"
       8) (integer) 0
       9) "errors"
      10) (empty list or set)
      11) "total_duration"
      12) (integer) 0
      13) "read_duration"
      14) (integer) 0
      15) "steps"
      16) 1) 1) "type"
             2) "collect"
             3) "duration"
             4) (integer) 0
             5) "name"
             6) "collect"
             7) "arg"
             8) ""
          2) 1) "type"
             2) "map"
             3) "duration"
             4) (integer) 0
             5) "name"
             6) "RedisGearsPy_PyCallbackMapper"
             7) "arg"
             8) "<function<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f8b8f869880>"
          3) 1) "type"
             2) "map"
             3) "duration"
             4) (integer) 0
             5) "name"
             6) "RedisGearsPy_ToPyRecordMapper"
             7) "arg"
             8) ""


The RG.GETRESULTS command returns the results and errors from of the execution execution details of a function that's in the executions list.

Redis API




An array if successful, or an error if the execution does not exist or is still running. The reply array is made of two sub-arrays: one for results and the other for errors.


redis> RG.GETRESULTS 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4
1) (empty list or set)
2) (empty list or set)


The RG.GETRESULTSBLOCKING command cancels the UNBLOCKING argument of the RG.PYEXECUTE command. The calling client is blocked until execution ends and is sent with any results and errors then.

Redis API




An array of if successful, or an error if the execution does not exist. The reply array is made of two sub-arrays: one for results and the other for errors.


redis> RG.GETRESULTS 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4
1) (empty list or set)
2) (empty list or set)


The RG.INFOCLUSTER command outputs information about the cluster.

Redis API



An array that consists of alternating key name and value entries as follows:

  • MyId : the shard's identifier in the cluster
  • An array with an entry for each of the cluster's shards as follows:
    • id : the shard's identifier in the cluster
    • ip : the shard's IP address
    • port : the shard's port
    • unixSocket : the shard's UDS
    • runid : the engine's run identifier
    • minHslot : lowest hash slot served by the shard
    • maxHslot : highest hash slot served by the shard

1) "MyId"
2) "15f41d945e9e76175dd92bbfde27ded6bcfe53df"
3) 1)  1) "id"
       2) "15f41d945e9e76175dd92bbfde27ded6bcfe53df"
       3) "ip"
       4) ""
       5) "port"
       6) (integer) 30001
       7) "unixSocket"
       8) "None"
       9) "runid"
      10) "a07592a2e979d8c7d028061fd7c6468463aaf79e"
      11) "minHslot"
      12) (integer) 0
      13) "maxHslot"
      14) (integer) 5460
   2)  1) "id"
       2) "b57e92c693e285b91b3f9cbccb9e8ae71b54516d"
       3) "ip"
       4) ""
       5) "port"
       6) (integer) 30003
       7) "unixSocket"
       8) "None"
       9) "runid"
      10) "0dedafb5825f51eb1c692b4046abaa1c3c529037"
      11) "minHslot"
      12) (integer) 10923
      13) "maxHslot"
      14) (integer) 16383
   3)  1) "id"
       2) "0525c8651300850b73789f721912bf1eb236b51e"
       3) "ip"
       4) ""
       5) "port"
       6) (integer) 30002
       7) "unixSocket"
       8) "None"
       9) "runid"
      10) "4a2bc1c3d269dbb1f007ee85da53d60e77b9ac35"
      11) "minHslot"
      12) (integer) 5461
      13) "maxHslot"
      14) (integer) 10922


The RG.PYEXECUTE command executes a Python function .

Redis API

RG.PYEXECUTE "<function>" [UNBLOCKING] [ID <id>] [DESCRIPTION <description>] [UPGRADE] [REPLACE_WITH id] [REQUIREMENTS "<dep> ..."]


  • function : the Python function
  • UNBLOCKING : doesn't block the client during execution
  • ID : Session unique ID (if not given, RedisGears will generate one)
  • DESCRIPTION : Optional Session description
  • UPGRADE : If the session with this name already exists, replace it.
  • REPLACE_WITH : Set the new Session as a replacement of the session give by this argument.
  • FORCE_REINSTALL_REQUIREMENTS : Force re-installation of all the requirements. When this option is used, RedisGears will reset the python interpreter module cache after re-installation is finished. The python interpreter then reloads the modules. An important limitation of this option is that It is not possible to have multiple versions of the same requirement at the same time . If one registration uses an old version of a requirement and another registration upgrades it, then after a restart (or before, on some rare cases) both will have the new version. If the new version is not backwards compatible the code may fail due to errors . This option is available as of v1.2.4.
  • REQUIREMENTS : this argument ensures that list of dependencies it is given as an argument is installed on each shard before execution


An error is returned if the function can't be parsed, in addition to those generated by non-RedisGears functions used.

When used in UNBLOCKING mode reply is an execution ID .

Any results and errors generated by the function are returned as an array made of two sub-arrays: one for results and the other for errors.

A simple 'OK' string is returned if the function has no output (i.e. it doesn't consist of any functions with the run action).


redis> RG.PYEXECUTE "GB().run()"
1) (empty list or set)
2) (empty list or set)


The RG.PYSTATS command returns memory usage statistics from the Python interpreter .

Redis API



An array that consists of alternating key name and value entries as follows:

  • TotalAllocated : a total of all allocations over time in bytes
  • PeakAllocated : the peak value of allocations
  • CurrAllocated : the currently allocated memory in bytes


1) "TotalAllocated"
2) (integer) 113803317
3) "PeakAllocated"
4) (integer) 8432603
5) "CurrAllocated"
6) (integer) 5745816


The RG.PYDUMPSESSIONS command returns a summary of existing python sessions . A python session is created whenever the RG.PYEXECUTE command is invoked, and then shared with all registrations/executions created by this command.

Redis API



  • TS : see session which was deleted but not yet freed (because there is still executions which created by the session and was not yet finished).
  • VERBOSE : see a full information about requirements and registrations.
  • SESSIONS : must be given last. When specified, return only sessions that appears in the list.


An array that consists of alternating key name and value entries representing information about the session.

1)  1) "ID"
    1) "test"
    2) "sessionDescription"
    3) (nil)
    4) "refCount"
    5) (integer) 1
    6) "Linked"
    7) "true"
    8) "TS"
   1)  "false"
   2)  "requirementInstallationNeeded"
   3)  (integer) 0
   4)  "requirements"
   5)  (empty array)
   6)  "registrations"
   7)  1) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-3"> RG.PYDUMPSESSIONS VERBOSE SESSIONS test
1)  1) "ID"
    2) "test"
    3) "sessionDescription"
    4) (nil)
    5) "refCount"
    6) (integer) 1
    7) "Linked"
    8) "true"
    9) "TS"
   10) "false"
   11) "requirementInstallationNeeded"
   12) (integer) 0
   13) "requirements"
   14) (empty array)
   15) "registrations"
   16) 1)  1) "id"
           2) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-3"
           3) "reader"
           4) "CommandReader"
           5) "desc"
           6) (nil)
           7) "RegistrationData"
           8)  1) "mode"
               2) "async"
               3) "numTriggered"
               4) (integer) 1
               5) "numSuccess"
               6) (integer) 1
               7) "numFailures"
               8) (integer) 0
               9) "numAborted"
              10) (integer) 0
              11) "lastRunDurationMS"
              12) (integer) 0
              13) "totalRunDurationMS"
              14) (integer) 0
              15) "avgRunDurationMS"
              16) "0"
              17) "lastError"
              18) (nil)
              19) "args"
              20) 1) "trigger"
                  2) "test"
                  3) "inorder"
                  4) (integer) 0
           9) "ExecutionThreadPool"
          10) "DefaultPool"


The RG.PYPROFILE STATS command returns profiling statistics for a session id. Profiling information is automatically collected when ProfileExecutions are enabled.

Redis API

RG.PYPROFILE STATS <session_id> [<order_by>]


  • session_id : the session id to get the profiling statistics on.
  • order_by : result ordering column, see cProfile .


String contains the collected profiling information.

Output Example

16 function calls in 2.003 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        2    2.002    1.001    2.002    1.001 {built-in method time.sleep}
        4    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:289(profileStop)
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:173(<lambda>)
        2    0.000    0.000    2.002    1.001 <string>:1(<lambda>)
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.__import__}
        4    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

   Ordered by: internal time

Function                                          was called by...
                                                      ncalls  tottime  cumtime
{built-in method time.sleep}                      <-       2    2.002    2.002  <string>:1(<lambda>)
<string>:289(profileStop)                         <-
<string>:173(<lambda>)                            <-
<string>:1(<lambda>)                              <-
{built-in method builtins.__import__}             <-       2    0.000    0.000  <string>:1(<lambda>)
{method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}  <-       4    0.000    0.000  <string>:289(profileStop)

   Ordered by: internal time

Function                                          called...
                                                      ncalls  tottime  cumtime
{built-in method time.sleep}                      ->
<string>:289(profileStop)                         ->       4    0.000    0.000  {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
<string>:173(<lambda>)                            ->
<string>:1(<lambda>)                              ->       2    0.000    0.000  {built-in method builtins.__import__}
                                                           2    2.002    2.002  {built-in method time.sleep}
{built-in method builtins.__import__}             ->
{method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}  ->


The RG.PYPROFILE RESET command resets profiling statistics for a given session id.

Redis API



A simple 'OK' string.


redis> RG.PYPROFILE RESET 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-0


The RG.PYDUMPREQS command returns a list of all the python requirements available (with information about each requirement).

Redis API



An array that consists of alternating key name and value entries as follows:

  • GearReqVersion : an internally-assigned version of the requirement (note: this isn't the package's version)
  • Name : the name of the requirement as it was given to the REQUIREMENTS argument of the RG.PYEXECUTE command
  • IsDownloaded : yes if the requirement wheels was successfully download otherwise no
  • IsInstalled : yes if the requirement wheels was successfully installed otherwise false
  • Wheels : a list of wheels required by the requirement

1)  1) "GearReqVersion"
    2) (integer) 1
    3) "Name"
    4) "redis"
    5) "IsDownloaded"
    6) "yes"
    7) "IsInstalled"
    8) "yes"
    9) "Wheels"
   10) 1) "redis-3.5.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl"


The RG.REFRESHCLUSTER command refreshes the node's view of the cluster's topology.

Open Source Redis Cluster

The RG.REFRESHCLUSTER command needs to be executed on each of the cluster's nodes.

Redis API



A simple 'OK' string.




The RG.TRIGGER command triggers the execution of a registered CommandReader function.

Redis API

RG.TRIGGER <trigger> [arg ...]


  • trigger : the trigger's name
  • arg : any additional arguments


An array containing the function's output records.


redis> RG.PYEXECUTE "GB('CommandReader').register(trigger='mytrigger')"
redis> RG.TRIGGER mytrigger foo bar
1) "['mytrigger', 'foo', 'bar']"


The RG.TRIGGERONKEY command is the same as RG.TRIGGER , the difference is that the third argument is considered a key so client will know how to direct the command to the correct shard.

Redis API

RG.TRIGGERONKEY <trigger> key [arg ...]


  • trigger : the trigger's name
  • key : a key on which the trigger is executed on
  • arg : any additional arguments


An array containing the function's output records.


redis> RG.PYEXECUTE "GB('CommandReader').map(lambda x: execute('set', x[1], x[2])).register(trigger='my_set')"
redis> RG.TRIGGERONKEY my_set foo bar
1) "OK"
redis> get foo


The RG.UNREGISTER command removes the registration of a function.

Redis API




A simple 'OK' string, or an error. An error is returned if the registration ID doesn't exist or if the function's reader doesn't support the unregister operation.


The RG.CLEARREGISTRATIONSSTATS command clear stats from all the registrations, cleared stats:

  • numTriggered
  • numSuccess
  • numFailures
  • numAborted
  • lastRunDurationMS
  • avgRunDurationMS
  • avgRunDurationMS
  • lastEstimatedLagMS (on streams)
  • avgEstimatedLagMS (on streams)

Redis API



A simple 'OK' string.


The RG.PAUSEREGISTRATIONS command pause a given registrations from triggering any more events. Currently its only possible to pause a stream registrations . pause a registration that already pause is consider as no op and will keep the state exactly as it is (without any errors). pause is considered an atomic operation, all the registrations that was given will be pause together and if one failed, the entire operation is aborted (atomicity is promised on the shard level and not on the cluster level).

It is also possible to pause the registration from within the registration code itself by returning a special error message that starts with PAUSE string (message must be raised with flatError api so the error trace will not be added to the error message), example:

GB('StreamReader').foreach(lambda x: flatError('PAUSE registration is paused')).register()

Redis API



A simple 'OK' string. Or error if operation failed.


The RG.UNPAUSEREGISTRATIONS command unpause a given registrations and cause it to restart triggering events. Currently its only possible to unpause a stream registrations . Unpause a registration that already running is consider as no op and will keep the state exactly as it is (without any errors). Unpause is considered an atomic operation, all the registrations that was given will be unpause together and if one failed, the entire operation is aborted (atomicity is promised on the shard level and not on the cluster level). Unpausing a registration will restart processing data from the stream, if the stream is not set to trim messages (using trimStream option) then all the element will potentially be processed again.

Redis API



A simple 'OK' string. Or error if operation failed.