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RedisGears Readers

The reader is the mandatory first step of any RedisGears function , and every function has exactly one reader. A reader reads data and generates input records from it. The input records are consumed by the function.

A function's reader is declared when initializing its class GearsBuilder context builder .

RedisGears supports several types of readers that operate on different types of input data. Furthermore, each reader may be used to process batch streaming data.

Reader Output Batch Event
KeysReader Redis keys and values Yes Yes
KeysOnlyReader Redis keys Yes No
StreamReader Redis Stream messages Yes Yes
PythonReader Arbitrary Yes No
ShardsIDReader Shard ID Yes No
CommandReader Command arguments No Yes

The following sections describe the different readers' operation.


The KeysReader scans the Redis database.

It generates records from keys and their respective values.


The reader scans the entire database and any keys that are found can be used as input for generating records.


A record is output for each input key. The record is a dictionary structure that has four keys and their respective values:

  • 'key' : the name of the key
  • 'value' : the value of the key ( None if the deleted)
  • 'type' : the core Redis type may be: 'string', 'hash', 'list', 'set', 'zset' or 'stream'
  • 'event' : the event that triggered the execution ( None if the execution was created via the run function)

Batch Mode

The reader scans the entire database for keys. For each key found, it first reads a key's name, then fetches its value (unless used with readValue = False argument) and finally generates a record.

Its operation can be controlled by the following means:

  • Glob-like pattern: generates records only for key names that match the pattern
  • Read value: a Boolean specifying whether the value is read or not
  • Use scanning: a Boolean specifying whether to scan and match the pattern or use it as an explicit key name

Event Mode

The reader is executed in response to events that are generated from write operations in the Redis database.

Its operation can be controlled with the following means:

  • Prefix: generates records only for key names that start with the prefix
  • Events: same, but only for whitelisted events
  • Types: same, but only for whitelisted data types
  • Read value: a Boolean specifying whether the value is read or not

Python API

Batch Mode

class GearsBuilder('KeysReader', defaultArg='*').run(noScan=False, readValue=True)


  • defaultArg : a glob-like pattern of key names
  • noScan : when True the pattern is used as an explicit key name
  • readValue : when False the value will not be read, so the 'type' and 'value' of the record will be set to None

Event Mode

class GearsBuilder('KeysReader').register(prefix='*', eventTypes=None,
  keyTypes=None, readValue=True)


  • prefix : a prefix of key names
  • eventTypes : a whitelist of event types that trigger execution when the KeysReader are used. The list may contain one or more:
  • keyTypes : a whitelist of key types that trigger execution when using the KeysReader or KeysOnlyReader readers. The list may contain one or more from the following:
    • Redis core types: 'string', 'hash', 'list', 'set', 'zset' or 'stream'
    • Redis module types: 'module'
  • readValue : when False the value will not be read, so the 'type' and 'value' of the record will be set to None


The output record's type is a dict .

The value is cast from the Redis type as follows:

Redis type Python type
string str
hash dict
list list
set None
zset None
stream None
module None


Batch Mode

# KeysReader will return any key matching the glob pattern 'foo*'
gb = GB('KeysReader')'foo*')

Event Mode

# KeysReader will trigger for keys prefixed by 'bar' of type 'string' or 'hash'
gb = GB('KeysReader')
gb.register('bar', keyTypes=['string', 'hash'])


The KeysOnlyReader is implemented as a PythonReader and therefore does not support the register() action . It returns keys' names as string records.


The reader scans the entire database and any keys that are found can be used as input for generating records.


A record is output for each input key. The record is a simple string that is the key's name.

Batch Mode

The reader scans the entire database for keys. For each key found, it returns the key as a string record.

Its operation can be controlled by the following means:

  • Glob-like pattern: generates records only for key names that match the pattern
  • Scan count: the amount of effort each scan iteration will invest
  • Use scanning: a Boolean specifying whether to scan and match the pattern or use it as an explicit key name
  • Shard-specific pattern: customizes the pattern for each shard

Event Mode

Not supported.

Python API

Batch Mode

class GearsBuilder('KeysOnlyReader').run(pattern='*', count=1000, noScan=False, patternGenerator=None)
* pattern : pattern of keys to return * count : the COUNT argument to the Redis SCAN command * noScan : when True the pattern is used as an explicit key name * patternGenerator : a callback that returns a shard-specific pattern. If provided it overrides the pattern and noScan arguments. The callback will be called by each shard and is expected to return a tuple with two items, the first being the pattern string and the other the noScan value.


The StreamReader reads the messages from one or more Redis Streams and generates records from these.


The reader reads messages from the Stream value of a Redis key.


A record is output for each message in the input Stream. The record is a dictionary structure with the following key:

  • key : the Stream key name as string
  • id : the message's id in the Stream
  • value : a Python dictionary containing the message's data

All field-value pairs in the message's data are included as key-value pairs in the record under the value key.

Batch Mode

The reader reads the Stream from the beginning to the last message in it. Each message generates a record.

Its operation can be controlled with the following:

  • Key name: the name of the key storing the Stream
  • Start ID: message ID from which to start reading messages

Event Mode

The reader is executed in response to events generated by new messages added to the stream.

Its operation can be controlled with the following:

  • Key name or prefix: the name or prefix of keys that store Streams
  • Batch size: the number of new messages that trigger execution
  • Duration: the time to wait before execution is triggered, regardless of the batch size
  • Failure policy: the policy for handling execution failures. May be one of:
    • 'continue' : ignores a failure and continues to the next execution. This is the default policy.
    • 'abort' : stops further executions.
    • 'retry' : retries the execution after an interval specified with onFailedRetryInterval (default is one second).
  • Trimming: whether or not to trim the stream

Python API

Batch Mode

class GearsBuilder('StreamReader', defaultArg='*').run(fromId='0-0')


  • defaultArg : the name or prefix of keys that store Streams
  • fromId : message id from which to start read messages

Event Mode

class GearsBuilder('StreamReader').run(prefix='*', batch=1, duration=0, onFailedPolicy='continue', onFailedRetryInterval=1, trimStream=True)


  • prefix : the name or prefix of keys that store Streams
  • batch : the number of new messages that trigger execution
  • duration : the time to wait before execution is triggered, regardless of the batch size (0 for no duration)
  • onFailedPolicy : the policy for handling execution failures, values should be as describe above
  • onFailedRetryInterval : the interval (in milliseconds) in which to retry in case onFailedPolicy is 'retry'
  • trimStream : when True the stream will be trimmed after execution


The output record's type is a dict with fields and values as explained above.


The reader is executed with a function callback that is a Python generator .


A generator function callback.


Anything yield ed by the generator function callback.

Batch Mode

The reader iterates the generator's yielded records.

Event Mode

Not supported.

Python API

Batch Mode

class GearsBuilder('PythonReader').run(generator)



The following example shows how to use the reader with a simple generator:

# This PythonReader will generate 6379 records
def generator():
    for x in range(6379):
        yield x

gb = GB('PythonReader')

In cases where the generator needs additional input arguments, use a function callback that returns a generator function like so:

# This PythonReader will generate 42 records by creating a generator function
def createGenerator(count=6379):
    def generator():
        nonlocal count
        for x in range(count):
            yield x
    return generator

gb = GB('PythonReader')


The reader returns a single record that is the shard's cluster identifier.

RedisGears Trivia

The 'ShardsIDReader' is implemented using the 'PythonReader' reader and this generator callback:

def ShardReaderCallback():
res = execute('RG.INFOCLUSTER')
if res == 'no cluster mode':
    yield '1'
    yield res[1]


The shard's cluster identifier.

Batch Mode

The reader returns a single record that is the shard's identifier.

Event Mode

Not supported.

Python API

Batch Mode

class GearsBuilder('ShardsIDReader').run()




gb = GB('ShardsIDReader') x: f'My Shard ID is {x}')


The CommandReader reads the trigger name and arguments sent by an RG.TRIGGER command .


The arguments of the RG.TRIGGER command .


The trigger's name and arguments.

Batch Mode

Not supported.

Event Mode

The reader returns a list record with elements being the trigger's name followed by any arguments that were provided.

Python API

Event Mode

class GearsBuilder('CommandReader').register(trigger=None, inorder=True)


  • trigger : the trigger's name
  • inorder : if True , the commands will run one after the other in the order they came (this option is only relevant for async_local executions, on sync executions you get it by default from the sync property, and its currently not possible to promise this property on async executions ). Supported only on v1.0.7 and above.


First, call RG.PYEXECUTE with the following:

# This CommandReader will return the number of arguments provided to it
gb = GB('CommandReader') x: f'{x[0]} got {len(x)-1} arguments! Ah ah ah!')

Then, you can do this:

redis> RG.TRIGGER CountVonCount bat bat
1) "CountVonCount got 2 arguments! Ah ah ah!"