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RedisGears Quickstart

RedisGears is a Redis module . To run it you'll need a Redis server (v5 or greater) and the module's shared library.

The following sections describe how to get started with RedisGears.


The quickest way to try RedisGears is by launching its official Docker container image:

docker run -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redisgears:latest

A Redis Cluster with RedisGears variant is also available:

docker run -p 30001:30001 -p 30002:30002 -p 30003:30003 redislabs/rgcluster:latest

Further reference

Refer to the cluster's README file for information on configuring the Dockerized cluster container.


A pre-compiled version can be downloaded from RedisLabs download center .

Notice in order to support running Python based recipies on enviorment without internet connection you should also download the relevant Redisgears Dependencies .



  • Install git for Debian like systems:

    apt-get install git
    for Fedora like systems:
    yum install git

  • Install the build-essential package, or its equivalent, on your system: for Debian-like systems:

    apt-get install build-essential
    for Fedora-like systems:
    yum install devtoolset-7
    scl enable devtoolset-7 bash

  • Install Redis 6.0.1 or higher on your machine.

git clone
cd redis
git checkout 6.0.1 
make install
  • On macOS install Xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install


To get the code and its submodules do the following:

git clone
cd RedisGears
git submodule update --init --recursive


Inside the RedisGears directory run the following:

make setup # might require root privileges for installations
make fetch
make all

You will find the compiled binary under bin/linux-x64-release/ with a symbol link to it on the main directory (called ).


To load the module on the same server it was compiled on simply use the --loadmodule command line switch, the loadmodule configuration directive or the Redis MODULE LOAD command with the path to module's library.

For example to load the module to local Redis after you followed Building steps run:

redis-server --loadmodule ./

If you compiled the module on a different server than the one loading it (or downloaded the module), copy the directory bin/linux-x64-release/python3_<version> (where <version> is the version compiled) to the target server. Use the PythonInstallationDir configuration parameter to specify the path of the copied directory on the target to RedisGears. Important: the directory's name, that is python3_<version> should not be changed.


Tests are written in Python and the RLTest library.

To run the tests after installing the dependencies use:

make test