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What is RedisGears?

RedisGears is a serverless engine for transaction, batch and event-driven data processing in Redis. It is a dynamic framework for the execution of functions that, in turn, implement data flows in Redis, while (almost) entirely abstracting the data's distribution and choice of deployment (i.e. stand-alone vs. cluster, OSS vs. Enterprise). Functions can be implemented in different languages, including Python and C APIs .

For example, you can use RedisGears to count the words in Redis:

gb = GearsBuilder() x: x['value'])     # map records to "sentence" values
gb.flatmap(lambda x: x.split())  # split sentences to words
gb.countby()                     # count each word's occurances

In broad strokes, the following diagram depicts RedisGears' components:

    | Redis Server               +--------------------------------------+ |
    |                            | RedisGears Module                    | |
    | +----------------+         |                                      | |
    | | Data           | Input   | +------------+ +-------------------+ | |
    | |                +-------->+ | Function   | | APIs              | | |
    | | Key1 : Value1  |         | | +--------+ | | C, Python, ...    | | |
    | | Key2 : Value2  | Output  | | | Reader | | +-------------------+ | |
    | | Key3 : Value3  <---------+ | +---+----+ | +-------------------+ | |
    | |      ...       |         | |     v      | | Redis commands    | | |
    | +----------------+         | | +---+----+ | | Gears admin & ops | | |
    |                            | | | Step 1 | | +-------------------+ | |
    |                            | | +---+----+ | +-------------------+ | |
    | +----------------+         | |     v      | | Coordinator       | | |
    | | Events         |         | | +---+----+ | | Cluster MapReduce | | |
    | |                | Trigger | | | Step 2 | | +-------------------+ | |
    | | Data update    +-------->+ | +---+----+ | +-------------------+ | |
    | | Stream message |         | |     v      | | Engine            | | |
    | | Time interval  |         | |    ...     | | Runtime execution | | |
    | |      ...       |         | +------------+ +-------------------+ | |
    | +----------------+         +--------------------------------------+ |

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RedisGears is licensed under the Redis Source Available License Agreement .