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RedisAI Configuration

RedisAI provides configuration options that control its operation. These options can be set when the module is bootstrapped, that is loaded to Redis, and in some cases also during runtime.

The following sections describe the configuration options the means for setting them.

Setting Configuration Options

Bootstrap Configuration

Configuration options can be set when the module is loaded. The options are passed as a list of option names and their respective values. Configuration is supported both when using the loadmodule configuration directive as well as via the Redis MODULE LOAD command .

Example: Setting configuration options

For setting the module's configuration options from the command line use:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ <opt1> <val1> ...

For setting the module's configuration options in with .conf file use the following format:

loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ <opt1> <val1> ...

For setting the module's configuration with the MODULE LOAD command use:

redis> MODULE LOAD /usr/lib/redis/modules/ <opt1> <val1> ...

Runtime Configuration

Some configuration options may be set at runtime via the AI.CONFIG command .

Refer to each option's description for its runtime configurability.


The MODEL_CHUNK_SIZE configuration option sets the size of chunks (in bytes) in which model payloads (blobs) are split for serialization, replication and MODELGET. Note that Redis protocol supports strings up to 512MB, so blobs for very large models need to be chunked.

Expected Value

An Integer greater than zero.

Default Value

511 * 1024 * 1024

Runtime Configurability



To set the model chunk size to one megabyte from the command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               MODEL_CHUNK_SIZE 1048576


Supported for ONNXRuntime backend only!

The MODEL_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT configuration defines the maximum time (in milliseconds) that a model is allowed to run. RedisAI checks periodically if a running session has reached its timeout, and if so, the execution will be terminated immediately with an appropriate error message.

Expected Value

An Integer equal or greater than 1000.

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not supported.


To set the model execution timeout to 1 second from the command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               MODEL_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT 1000


By default RedisAI doesn't load any of its backend libraries when it is initialized. Backend libraries are then loaded lazily when models that require them are loaded.

The following backend configuration options make it possible to have RedisAI preemptively load one or more backend libraries.


The BACKENDSPATH configuration option sets the default base path that RedisAI will use for dynamically loading backend libraries.

Expected Value

A String that is an absolute path.

Default Value

This option is initialized with the module's path suffixed by '/backends'.

For example, if the module is loaded from '/usr/lib/redis/modules/', this option's value will be set by default to "/usr/lib/redis/modules/backends".

Runtime Configurability



To set the default backends path to '/usr/lib/backends' when loading the module from the command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               BACKENDSPATH /usr/lib/backends


The INTER_OP_PARALLELISM configuration option sets the number of threads used for parallelism between independent operations, by backend libraries. By default, 0 means RedisAI will not enforce a configuration and use the default configuration for each backend library.

Expected Value

An Integer equal or greater than zero.

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not supported.


To set the number of threads used for parallelism between independent operations to 1, when loading the module from the command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               INTER_OP_PARALLELISM 1


The INTRA_OP_PARALLELISM configuration option sets the number of threads used within an individual operation, by backend libraries. By default, 0 means RedisAI will not enforce a configuration and use the default configuration for each backend library.

Expected Value

An Integer greater or equal than zero.

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not supported.


To set the number of threads used within an individual operation to 1, when loading the module from command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               INTRA_OP_PARALLELISM 1


Supported for ONNXRuntime backend only!

The BACKEND_MEMORY_LIMIT configuration option sets the maximum amount of memory in MB that a backend can consume for creating and running inference sessions. By default, 0 means that there will be no memory limit enforcement.

Expected Value

An Integer greater or equal than zero.

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not supported.


To set the backend memory limit to 50MB, when loading the module from command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               BACKEND_MEMORY_LIMIT 50


The TF , TFLITE , TORCH and ONNX configuration options load the TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, PyTorch and ONNXRuntime backend libraries, respectively.

Each of the options requires a path to the library's binary. If the provided path is a relative path, it is resolved by prefixing the BACKENDSPATH to it. If the provided path is an absolute path then it is used as is.

Expected Value

A String that is a path.

Default Value

Each of the options has its own default values as follows:

  • TF : "<BACKENDSPATH>/redisai_tensorflow/"
  • TFLITE : "<BACKENDSPATH>/redisai_tflite/"
  • TORCH : "<BACKENDSPATH>/redisai_torch/"
  • ONNX : "<BACKENDSPATH>/redisai_onnxruntime/"

Runtime Configurability



This loads the PyTorch backend at boot time located at '/usr/lib/backends/torch_custom/' using a relative path and BACKENDSPATH :

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               BACKENDSPATH /usr/lib/backends \
               TORCH torch_custom/



The THREADS_PER_QUEUE configuration option controls the number of worker threads allocated to each device's job queue. Multiple threads can be used for executing different independent operations in parallel.

Note that RedisAI maintains one job queue per device (CPU, GPU:0, GPU:1). Each job queue is consumed by THREADS_PER_QUEUE threads.

This option significantly improves the performance of simple, low-effort computation-wise models since there is spare computation cycle available from modern CPUs and hardware accelerators (GPUs, TPUs, ...).

Expected Value

An Integer greater than zero.

Default Value


Runtime Configurability

Not supported.


To set the number of threads per queue to 4 when loading the module from the command line use the following:

redis-server --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/ \
               THREADS_PER_QUEUE 4